Covid-19: alternate origin stories

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Pre-Wuhan Covid-19 in Italy, bioweapons research in Russia and China, and curious coincidences. There’s a lot of credible information that casts doubt on the official story of Covid-19’s origins. Starting with a big... READ MORE

Penisocratic method #2

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Exciting year ahead for human space exploration For reasons beyond my understanding, there are people who aren’t closely watching how we’re progressing to the stars. Of course, it’s only the most important thing... READ MORE

Penisocratic Method #1

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Today, let me introduce you to a new post format. Here’s the thing: the click-through “tile” design of the website encourages long-form writing. This was a deliberate decision to keep the quality of... READ MORE

Why Scotland is Pakistan

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I have a huge discovery to share with you: Scotland is Pakistan. Consider: A mountaineous hinterland full of angry bearded men wearing women’s clothing, who seem to be suspiciously close to their livestock.... READ MORE

The Asian powderkeg

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Right now, Asia is a powderkeg with several simultaneously lit fuses. There are at least four conflicts in Asia from which neither side can afford to back down, as the stakes are too... READ MORE

La dolce vita

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How sweet something tastes is clearly a matter of acclimation. When you cut sugar from your diet, your sense of sweetness gets “downregulated” in a few weeks. Afterwards, sweet things often taste too... READ MORE

Technology and magic

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People are wrong in many curious ways. A new one I noticed is assuming that a goal is silly, because people in the past tried to achieve it in silly ways. The thinking,... READ MORE

The Science of Douchebaggery

posted in: How to human | 0

There is a profound and often underestimated source of the phenomenon colloquially known as “douchebaggery”: People are not very good at realistically estimating fairness, particularly when it comes to our own rights, contributions, claims and interests in general.  Imagine, if you will, a … Continued

How to actually lose weight

posted in: How to human | 0

Wanna lose weight? Odds are, you do. So…how? The worst offenders are well known – sugar, fried stuff, soda, triplemocchaventimacchiatos, eating late at night and lack of exercise. We now also know that a major and historically underestimated factor are simple carbohydrates from … Continued

Plot twist

posted in: Le Art | 0

I want to direct a movie where the trailer shows only zombies, and the first five minutes are indeed the standard prelude to apocalypse. But then, five minutes in, patient zero is shot and the rest of the movie is … Continued

Fixing finance for the future

posted in: Uncategorized | 0

TLDR: Financial institutions spend untold billions every year on arbitrary opulence, trivially automatable administration and lush compensation for managers whose contributions are statistically insignificant. Monumental savings are readily achievable to get everybody a far better deal.

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